
Current – 2021

Date PublishedSubjectLink
March 13, 2025Gold Update – Badja Projectview
March 12, 2025Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
March 11, 2025Yataga Copper Project Exploration Updateview
February 26, 2025Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
February 26, 2025Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
February 20, 2025RIU Presentationview
February 20, 2025Yataga Copper Project – 80% Joint Venture Interest Noticeview
February 11, 2025Notice of General Meeting including Proxy Formview
January 31, 2025Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
January 24, 2025Change of Company Secretaryview
January 23, 2025Substantial Shareholder Notice and Section 249 Noticeview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 17, 2024Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
December 16, 2024Placement, Security Issues and Cleansing Noticeview
December 16, 2024Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
December 16, 2024Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
December 16, 2024Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
December 16, 2024Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
December 16, 2024Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
December 6, 2024Amended 2024 AGM Presentationview
December 3, 2024Final Director’s Interest Noticeview
December 3, 2024Amended September 2024 Quarterly Reportsview
December 2, 2024Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
December 2, 20242024 AGM Voting Results, Board and Office Changesview
December 2, 20242024 AGM Presentationview
November 25, 2024Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
November 1, 20242024 AGM Notice of Meetingview
November 1, 20242024 AGM Proforma Proxyview
November 1, 20242024 AGM Notice of Meeting Access Letterview
October 31, 2024Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 31, 2024Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 28, 2024Cleansing Noticeview
October 28, 2024Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
October 21, 2024Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
October 21, 2024Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
October 21, 2024Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
October 21, 2024Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
October 21, 2024$1.5M Placementview
October 9, 2024Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
October 8, 2024Notification of cessation of securities – EMUview
October 3, 2024Becoming a substantial holderview
September 30, 2024Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statementview
September 30, 2024Annual Report to shareholdersview
September 27, 2024Yataga Copper Project Investor Presentationview
September 26, 2024ShareCafe Invitationview
September 26, 2024World-Class Copper Potential Increased at Yataga Copper Projview
September 4, 2024Completion of Unmarketable Parcel Share Sale Facilityview
July 31, 2024Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
July 22, 2024Proposed Sale of Small Share Parcelsview
July 17, 2024Passing of Terry Streeter, Final Director’s Interest Noticeview
July 15, 2024Change of Directors’ Interest Noticeview
July 9, 2024Appendix 2Aview
July 9, 2024Rights Issue Allotmentview
June 21, 2024Update – Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
June 21, 2024Rights Issue Extension of Closing Dateview
June 21, 2024Update – Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
June 20, 2024Investor Presentation Fiery Creek Georgetown QLDview
June 13, 2024Dispatch of Rights Issue Prospectusview
June 4, 2024Pro Rata Non-Renounceable Rights Issue and Revised Timetableview
June 4, 2024Prospectusview
June 4, 2024Significant and Pervasive Copper Mineralisation Fiery Creekview
June 3, 2024Update – Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
May 31, 2024Cleansing Noticeview
May 31, 2024Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
May 29, 2024Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
May 29, 2024$1.45M Capital Raise for Fiery Creek Copper Explorationview
May 27, 2024Trading Haltview
May 13, 2024Fiery Creek Copper Expansion Georgetown Amended with Linkview
May 13, 2024Fiery Creek Copper Expansion Georgetown Project QLDview
May 10, 2024Change of Directors’ Interest Notice x 4view
May 3, 2024Dispatch of Holdings Statements Post Consol Capital Structureview
May 2, 2024Investor Presentation Fiery Creek Georgetownview
May 1, 2024Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
April 30, 2024Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
April 30, 2024Investor Webinar Invitationview
April 30, 2024Copper Porphry Potential Grows at Georgetown Projectview
April 17, 2024Investor Presentationview
April 12, 2024Results of Meetingview
March 27, 2024Consolidation/Split – EMUview
March 15, 2024Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
March 14, 2024Amendment to Explanatory Memorandum to NoMview
March 13, 2024Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Formview
March 4, 2024Exploration Update Georgetown, Scale Potential Confirmedview
February 26, 2024Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
February 16, 2024Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
February 9, 2024Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
January 31, 2024Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 15, 2023Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
December 13, 2023Cleansing Noticeview
December 13, 2023Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
December 13, 2023Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
December 13, 2023Tranche 2 Placement to Sophisticated Professional Investorsview
December 7, 2023EMU Records Gold Assays to 36.1 g/t at Georgetown QLDview
December 5, 2023Trading Haltview
December 5, 2023Pause in Tradingview
November 30, 2023Results of AGM Votingview
November 30, 2023AGM Presentationview
November 24, 2023Withdrawal of AGM Resolutionview
November 1, 2023Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 31, 2023Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
October 20, 2023Issue of Shares and Cleansing Noticeview
October 20, 2023Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
October 12, 2023Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
October 12, 2023Placement to Sophisticated and Professional Investorsview
October 10, 2023Trading Haltview
October 9, 2023Extensive High Grade REEs over multiple km at Condingup Projview
October 5, 2023Copper Silver Lead Assay Results Pegmatite Fields Georgetownview
September 29, 2023Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statementview
September 29, 2023Annual Report to shareholdersview
September 19, 2023Spodumene Identified LCT Pegmatite Confirmed Badja Projectview
September 18, 2023Successful Maiden Drilling Programme Condingup REE Projecttview
September 1, 2023Maiden Drilling Programme Commenced Condingup REE Project WAview
August 21, 2023Amended Release Condingup Drilling 24Jul2023view
July 31, 2023Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
July 24, 2023Substantial Increase in REE Prospectivity at Condingup WAview
July 3, 2023Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
May 25, 2023Graceland Project Added to EMUs REE Portfolio in WAview
May 15, 2023REE Discovery Viper Project Jerramungup WAview
May 4, 2023Signficant REE Values, Project Footprint Extended Condingupview
April 28, 2023Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
April 28, 2023EMU Launches New Interactive Investor Hubview
March 16, 2023Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
March 16, 2023Notification of cessation of securities – EMUview
March 13, 2023Change of Director’s Interest Notices x 4view
March 10, 2023Appendix 2A Shortfall Sharesview
March 10, 2023Rights Issue Shortfall Allotmentview
March 7, 2023Appendix 2Aview
March 7, 2023Rights Issue Allotmentview
March 3, 2023Rights Issue Acceptances and Shortfallview
February 17, 2023Dispatch of Rights Issue Prospectus and Formsview
February 16, 2023Supplemental Prospectusview
February 9, 2023Appendix 3Bview
February 9, 2023NRRI Prospectusview
February 9, 2023Fully Underwritten Non-Renounceable Rights Issueview
February 7, 2023Trading Haltview
January 31, 2023Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
January 31, 2023Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 1, 2022Results of Meetingview
November 23, 2022Maiden drilling programme at Viperview
November 23, 2022Change of Director’s Interest Notices Compiledview
November 17, 2022Applications for Highly Strategic REE Exploration Licencesview
November 16, 2022Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
November 16, 2022Notification of Expiry and Exercising of Unlisted Optionsview
October 31, 2022Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
October 28, 2022Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 20, 2022Amended ASX Releaseview
October 18, 2022EMU Investor Presentationview
October 14, 2022Cleansing Noticeview
October 14, 2022Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
October 7, 2022Placement to Sophisticated and Professional Investorsview
October 7, 2022Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
October 5, 2022Trading Haltview
October 3, 2022Annual Report to Shareholdersview
October 3, 2022Appendix 4G and CG Statementview
September 1, 2022Scale Project Added to Exploration Portfolioview
July 22, 2022Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Reportview
June 3, 2022Amended Release – Flying Emu Gold Discoveryview
June 1, 2022Cessation of Voluntary Escrowview
May 30, 2022Follow-up Drilling Planned at Flying Emu Gold Discoveryview
May 18, 2022Further High-grade Gold and Significant Gold Discoveryview
May 9, 2022Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
April 5, 2022New Prospective Gold and Tungsten Zones Identified at Badjaview
March 29, 2022Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
March 17, 2022Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
March 15, 2022Amended Release Promising Nickel Drill Targets EM Surveysview
March 7, 2022Promising Nickel Drill Targets Emerge from EM Surveysview
March 2, 2022Petrology confirms Primary Nickel Sulphides at Sunfire Projeview
February 10, 2022Change of Directors’ Interest Notices x 4view
February 9, 2022Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
February 9, 2022Significant Tungsten Values at Monte Cristo Gold Prospectview
February 1, 2022Results of Meetingview
January 24, 2022Update of Nickel-Copper-PGE and Gold Exploration Activitiesview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 30, 2021Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
December 22, 2021Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
December 22, 2021Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
December 22, 2021Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
December 22, 2021Change of Director’s Interest Noticeview
December 22, 2021Notification of Expiry of Unlisted Optionsview
December 22, 2021Notification of cessation of securities – EMUview
December 20, 2021Change of Registry Addressview
November 16, 2021Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
November 15, 2021Cleansing Noticeview
November 15, 2021Placement Completedview
November 15, 2021Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
November 5, 2021Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
November 5, 2021Placement to Sophisticated and Professional Investorsview
November 3, 2021Trading Haltview
October 25, 2021Drilling Update Badja Projectview
October 20, 2021New Project Nameview
October 15, 2021Cleansing Notice Section 708Aview
October 15, 2021Completion of Sunfire Ni-Cu-PGE Project Acquisitionview
October 13, 2021Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
October 1, 2021Appendix 4G and CG Statementview
October 1, 2021Annual Report to shareholdersview
September 28, 2021Significant High-Grade Gold Intersected at Depth, Gnows Nestview
September 3, 2021Main Vein at Gnows Nest Intersected at Depthview
August 27, 2021Notification of cessation of securities – EMUview
August 24, 2021Notification of Expiry of Unlisted Optionsview
August 23, 2021EMU recommences drilling at Gnows Nest Project Yalgoo WAview
July 20, 2021Letter to Shareholdersview
June 15, 2021Completion of Gnows Nest Acquisitionview
June 10, 2021Notification regarding unquoted securities – EMUview
June 9, 2021Application for quotation of securities – EMUview
June 8, 2021Proposed issue of securities – EMUview
June 8, 2021Significant Copper Anomalism Defined at Viper Projectview
May 27, 2021Two High-Grade Gold Shoots identified at Gnows Nest and aview
April 29, 2021Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 29, 2021Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 19, 2021EMU Exploration Update Sunfire Nickel Copper Projectview
April 7, 2021Results of Meetingview
March 30, 2021Appendix 3Y and Cancellation of Optionsview
March 17, 2021APAC 121 Mining Investment Presentationview
March 16, 2021Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
March 15, 2021Amended EMU Exploration Update Viper Project Jerramungup WAview
March 5, 2021Emu Exploration Update Significant Visual Copper Occurrencesview
March 5, 2021Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Formview
March 3, 2021Ceasing to be a substantial holderview
February 22, 2021EMU’s Maiden Drilling Programme Confirms High-Grade Goldview
February 16, 2021Placement to Sophisticated and Professional Investorsview
February 16, 2021Proposed issue of Securities – EMUview
February 12, 2021Trading Haltview
February 1, 2021Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
February 1, 2021Quarterly Activities Reportview
January 29, 2021Investor Webinar Presentationview
January 29, 2021Investor Webinar Presentation – Updatedview
January 14, 2021Gnows Nest Project Commencement of Drillingview
January 7, 2021Notification of Expiry of Unlisted Optionsview
January 6, 2021Appendix 2Aview

2020 – 2016

Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 24, 2020Option Exercises and Cancellation of Underwriting Agreementview
December 22, 2020Section 708A Cleansing Noticeview
December 22, 2020Appendix 2Aview
December 14, 2020Notification of Expiry of Unlisted Optionsview
December 1, 2020Results of Meetingview
November 25, 2020Strategic Acquisition at Gnows Nestview
November 2, 2020Becoming a substantial holderview
October 30, 2020Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 30, 2020Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 30, 2020Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 29, 2020Appendix 2Aview
October 29, 2020EMU completes acquisition of Graceland and Viper Projectsview
October 22, 2020EMU Progressing Exploration in WAview
October 7, 2020Placement Completed and Cleansing Noticeview
October 7, 2020Appendix 2Aview
October 1, 2020Annual Report to shareholdersview
October 1, 2020Appendix 4G and CG Statementview
September 28, 2020EMU Secures Highly Prospective Exploration Portfolio in WAview
September 28, 2020EMU Secures Historic High Grade Gnows Nest Gold Project WAview
September 28, 2020EMU transforms into WA focussed exploration and productionview
September 28, 2020Placement to Sophisticated and Professional Investorsview
September 28, 2020Proposed issue of Securities – EMUview
September 22, 2020Trading Haltview
August 26, 2020Shareholder Updateview
July 23, 2020Quarterly Activities Reportview
July 23, 2020Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 30, 2020Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 30, 2020Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 23, 2020Market Updateview
April 22, 2020Response to ASX JORC Queryview
March 17, 2020Letter to Shareholdersview
March 16, 2020Half Year Accountsview
March 4, 2020Expiry of Unlisted Options and Appendix 3Ysview
February 14, 2020Appointment of CEO and Issue of Incentive Optionsview
January 29, 2020Quarterly Activities Reportview
January 29, 2020Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
January 20, 2020Change of Share Registryview
January 13, 2020Elevado Programme Updateview
January 2, 2020Amended Appendix 3Bview
January 2, 2020S708A Cleansing Noticeview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 30, 2019Appendix 3Bview
December 2, 2019Results of Meetingview
November 27, 2019Elevado Programme Updateview
November 19, 2019Elevado Programme Updateview
November 15, 2019Becoming a substantial holderview
November 13, 2019Further Rights Issue Allotmentview
November 8, 2019Fully Funded 2019/20 Elevado Programme Kicks Offview
October 31, 2019Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 31, 2019Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 30, 2019Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 24, 2019Amended Appendix 3Xview
October 22, 2019Rights issue allotmentview
October 21, 2019Rights issue acceptances and shortfallview
October 14, 2019Addition to the Board – Tim Staermoseview
October 7, 2019Confirmation of Issue Date for rights issueview
October 4, 2019Dispatch of rights issue prospectusview
October 3, 2019Supplemental Prospectusview
October 1, 2019Annual Report to shareholdersview
October 1, 2019Appendix 4G and CG Statementview
October 1, 2019Unconditional Underwriting Agreementview
September 24, 2019Rights Issue Letter to Foreign Shareholdersview
September 24, 2019Rights Issue Letter to Eligible Shareholdersview
September 23, 2019Transaction Specific Prospectusview
September 23, 2019Appendix 3Bview
September 20, 2019$6.2M Non-Renounceable Rights Issueview
September 2, 2019Placement Completedview
September 2, 2019Appendix 3Bview
August 27, 2019Placementview
August 9, 2019Letter to Shareholdersview
July 31, 2019Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
July 31, 2019Quarterly Activities Reportview
July 16, 2019Elevado Project Chile 2019 Drilling and Exploration Updateview
July 12, 2019Appendix 3Bview
July 10, 2019Results of Meetingview
July 3, 2019Change in substantial holdingview
June 24, 2019Emu Secures 3 Year Extension to Vidalita Option Agreementview
June 24, 2019Reinstatement to Official Quotationview
June 24, 2019Appendix 3Bview
June 21, 2019Suspension from Official Quotationview
June 19, 2019Trading Haltview
June 11, 2019Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Formview
June 6, 2019EMU Completes Aircore Drill Programme at Vidalita and Plansview
May 28, 2019Transaction Specific Prospectusview
May 24, 2019Appendix 3Bview
May 16, 2019Corporate Presentationview
May 15, 2019Placement Completedview
May 15, 2019Appendix 3Bview
May 3, 2019Placementview
May 3, 2019Section 708A(5)(e) Cleansing Noticeview
May 1, 2019Trading Haltview
May 1, 2019Appendix 3Bview
April 30, 2019Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 30, 2019Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 10, 2019Emu Confirms Potential for Multiple Mineralised Systemsview
April 9, 2019Issue of Optionsview
April 8, 2019Appendix 3Bview
March 27, 2019IP Survey Identifies Further High-grade Potential Vidalitaview
March 25, 2019Results of Meetingview
March 15, 2019Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
March 8, 2019Discovery Hole at Vidalitaview
March 8, 2019Reinstatement to Official Quotationview
March 7, 2019Suspension from Official Quotationview
March 5, 2019Pause in Tradingview
March 5, 2019Trading Haltview
February 22, 2019Appendix 3Bview
February 22, 2019Cleansing Notice Section 708Aview
February 22, 2019Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Formview
February 21, 2019Vidalita Drilling Updateview
February 5, 2019EMU Shareholder Presentationview
January 31, 2019Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
January 31, 2019Quarterly Activities Reportview
January 21, 2019Drilling At Vidalita Project Progressingview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 21, 2018Expiry of Unlisted Optionsview
December 18, 2018Placement Completedview
December 18, 2018Appendix 3Bview
December 18, 2018Pause in Tradingview
December 18, 2018Vidalita Potential for High-grade Goldview
December 11, 2018Placementview
December 7, 2018Pause in Tradeview
December 7, 2018Trading Haltview
November 30, 2018Launch of 2019 Season Field Workview
November 30, 2018AGM Presentationview
November 30, 2018Results of Meetingview
November 20, 2018Appendix 3Bview
November 15, 2018Well Supported Share Purchase Plan Closes Successfullyview
November 14, 2018Well Supported Share Purchase Plan Closes Successfullyview
November 6, 2018Board Changesview
October 31, 2018Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 31, 2018Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 29, 2018Share Purchase Plan Amended Record Dateview
October 26, 2018Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 26, 2018Share Purchase Plan Offerview
October 26, 2018Notice Under ASIC Class Order 09/425view
October 26, 2018Share Purchase Plan to Fund Vidalita Drillingview
October 26, 2018Share Purchase Plan (Revised)view
October 26, 2018Share Purchase Plan to Fund Vidalita Drilling (Revised)view
October 5, 2018Investor presentationview
October 1, 2018Change in substantial holdingview
October 1, 2018Change in substantial holdingview
October 1, 2018Annual Report to shareholdersview
October 1, 2018Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statementview
September 27, 2018Drilling of new targets and testing of shallow mineralisatioview
August 30, 2018Appendix 3B – Placement second tranche and employee optionsview
August 30, 2018Section 708A(5)(e) cleansing noticeview
August 29, 2018Results of Meetingview
August 21, 2018Vidalita silver assays outline prospective groundview
August 1, 2018Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
July 31, 2018Quarterly Activities Reportview
July 30, 2018Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Formview
July 18, 2018Assays and geology confirm discovery at Vidalitaview
July 18, 2018Appendix 3B – Placement first trancheview
July 18, 2018Section 708A(5)(e) cleansing noticeview
July 6, 2018All drilling assays received for Vidalita, Chileview
July 4, 2018Expiry of unlisted optionsview
July 2, 2018Steemson to continue as NEDview
June 25, 2018Placementview
June 25, 2018Reinstatement to Official Quotationview
June 20, 2018Suspension from Official Quotationview
June 18, 2018Trading Haltview
June 13, 2018Exceptional Grades Intercepted at Vidalita, Chileview
June 12, 2018Trading Haltview
June 5, 2018Appendix 3B – Contributing shares paid upview
May 16, 2018New Gold Target Outlined at Jotahues, Chileview
May 7, 2018Significant Epithermal Gold-Silver System Discoveryview
May 4, 2018Appendix 3B – Exercise of EMUCA options and issue of optionsview
May 3, 2018Expiry of unlisted optionsview
April 24, 2018Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 23, 2018Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 3, 2018Chile drilling updateview
March 21, 2018Drilling update at Vidalitaview
March 16, 2018Appendix 3B – Excercise of options to acquire EMUCAview
March 15, 2018Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
February 26, 2018Gold exploration prospects, Chileview
February 15, 2018Appendix 3B – Exercise of unlisted optionsview
January 25, 2018Quarterly Activities Report – Dec 2017view
January 25, 2018Quarterly Cashflow Report – Dec 2017view
January 17, 2018Drilling updateview
January 12, 2018Exploration updateview
January 10, 2018Exploration Updateview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 22, 2017Appendix 3B – Exercise of unlisted optionsview
December 18, 2017Appendix 3Bview
December 18, 2017Section 708A(5)(e) cleansing noticeview
December 6, 2017Placement to raise $600,000 at $0.15view
December 5, 2017Trading Haltview
December 4, 2017Updated presentation – slide 9 image correctly rotatedview
November 24, 2017Presentation, evidence and encouragementview
November 21, 2017Updated share trading policyview
November 10, 2017Results of Meetingview
November 9, 2017Chile Exploration Updateview
November 9, 2017AGM presentationview
October 31, 2017Chilean exploration field program is now underwayview
October 25, 2017Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 25, 2017Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 17, 2017Appendix 3B – Issue of optionsview
October 10, 2017Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 5, 2017Investor Updateview
September 25, 2017Annual Report to shareholdersview
September 25, 2017Appendix 4G – Corporate Governanceview
August 21, 2017Chile Gold Project Updateview
August 8, 2017Appendix 3B – Issue of optionsview
July 31, 2017Quarterly Activities Reportview
July 31, 2017Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
May 16, 2017Maiden drilling program confirms prospectivity of Vidalitaview
April 26, 2017Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 19, 2017Change in substantial holding – G & B Steemsonview
April 19, 2017Change in substantial holding – P.Thomasview
April 12, 2017Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 12, 2017Appendix 3B – Issue underwriters of the exercise of optionsview
April 12, 2017Section 708A(5)(e) cleansing noticeview
April 11, 2017Chile Drilling Program – Updateview
April 5, 2017Drilling Progressview
March 31, 2017Appendix 3B – Conversion of optionsview
March 24, 2017Appendix 3B – Exercise of listed optionsview
March 22, 2017Listed options to expire 30 March 2017view
March 22, 2017Change in substantial holding – W & J Kingview
March 21, 2017Change in substantial holding – G & B Steemsonview
March 21, 2017Change in substantial holding – P.Thomasview
March 17, 2017Drilling rig and other equipment mobilises to Vidalitaview
March 17, 2017Appendix 3B – Conversion of listed options and contribsview
March 17, 2017$1.1 Million Placement Completedview
March 17, 2017Appendix 3B – Placementview
March 15, 2017Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
March 8, 2017Appendix 3Bview
March 7, 2017Voluntary Suspensionview
March 7, 2017Voluntary Suspension Requestview
March 7, 2017Placement to drive maiden Chilean gold drillingview
March 7, 2017Reinstatement to Official Quotationview
March 3, 2017Trading Haltview
March 1, 2017Chile Gold Project Update and Drilling Approvalview
February 23, 2017Appendix 3B – Conversion of contribs and listed optionsview
February 23, 2017Appendix 3B – Chile Option Fee Sharesview
February 21, 2017Notification of expiry of listed optionsview
February 10, 2017Change of Registered Officeview
February 9, 2017Results of Meetingview
February 9, 2017Chile Gold Presentationview
February 9, 2017Options exercise and contributing share payment formsview
February 8, 2017Change in substantial holding – G & B Steemsonview
February 8, 2017Appendix 3B – Quotation of previously unlisted optionsview
February 7, 2017Ceasing to be a substantial holder – Bullantcoview
February 7, 2017Change in substantial holding – P.Thomasview
February 2, 2017Chile Gold Project – Surface Geochem Confirms Potentialview
January 31, 2017Quarterly Activities Reportview
January 31, 2017Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
January 30, 2017Change of Company Secretaryview
January 20, 2017Details of ASX Waiver Grantedview
January 9, 2017Notice of General Meetingview
January 9, 2017Vidalita Gold Project Updateview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 28, 2016Proposed issue of options to directorsview
December 12, 2016Vidalita Gold Project Acquisition – Chileview
November 15, 2016Vidalita Gold Project Acquisition – Chileview
November 10, 2016Results of Meetingview
October 31, 2016Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 31, 2016Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 12, 2016Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
September 28, 2016Annual Report to shareholdersview
September 28, 2016Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statementview
July 29, 2016Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
July 29, 2016Quarterly Activities Reportview
July 15, 2016Change of Auditorview
April 14, 2016Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
March 31, 2016Appendix 3B & Section 708A Noticeview
March 30, 2016Quarterly Activities Reportview
March 10, 2016Speedway Core Assay Resultsview
March 4, 2016Half Year Accountsview
February 25, 2016SPDRCD1 COMPLETED AT 1,687 FEETview
February 24, 2016Appendix 3Bview
February 22, 2016Speedway Gold Project Updateview
February 16, 2016Appendix 3Bview
February 15, 2016First Speedway Drill Hole Pre-Collar Completedview
February 10, 2016FIRST SPEEDWAY DRILL HOLEview
February 4, 2016Drilling Start Date Speedway Gold Projectview
January 29, 2016Quarterly Activities Reportview
January 29, 2016Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
January 21, 2016Investor Presentation Speedway Gold Projectview
January 18, 2016Appendix 3Bview
January 12, 2016Notification of Shortfall Entitlements Issueview
January 12, 2016Appendix 3Bview
January 12, 2016Drilling Approval received for Speedway Projectview
January 6, 2016Appendix 3B & Section 708A Noticeview

2015 – 2010

Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 23, 2015Entitlement Offer Dispatch of Prospectusview
December 22, 2015Appendix 3Bview
December 15, 2015Amended entitlement issue timetableview
December 14, 2015Non-Renounceable Issue Prospectusview
December 14, 2015Appendix 3Bview
December 10, 2015Appendix 3B, Top 20 and Distribution Scheduleview
November 27, 2015AGM Presentationview
November 27, 2015Results of Meetingview
November 12, 2015Completion of DD on Speedway Projectview
October 30, 2015Agreement to explore gold endowed area in southwest USAview
October 29, 2015Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reportsview
October 28, 2015Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
September 29, 2015Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statementview
September 29, 2015Annual Report to shareholdersview
July 17, 2015Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
July 17, 2015Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 28, 2015Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 28, 2015Quarterly Activities Reportview
March 5, 2015Half Year Accountsview
January 28, 2015Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
January 12, 2015Quarterly Activities Reportview
January 5, 2015Share Sale Facility – small holdingsview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 23, 2014Appendix 3Bview
November 28, 2014Results of Meetingview
October 30, 2014Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 24, 2014Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reportsview
October 1, 2014Annual Reportview
July 28, 2014Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reportview
June 2, 2014First Cash Instalment on Sale Consideration Receivedview
May 29, 2014Results of Meetingview
May 29, 2014Satisfaction of Conditions Precedent of Sale of Superkolongview
April 29, 2014Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reportview
April 29, 2014Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Formview
April 3, 2014Application for Exploration Tenementview
March 14, 2014Interim Financial Reportview
March 7, 2014Superkolong Diamond Project Updateview
March 6, 2014Trading Haltview
March 6, 2014Trading Halt Requestview
January 31, 2014Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reportview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 30, 2013SUPERKOLONG UPDATEview
December 23, 2013Change in substantial holding – Goodwinview
December 9, 2013Change in substantial holding – Steemsonview
December 9, 2013Change in substantial holdingview
December 9, 2013Change in substantial holding Thomasview
November 11, 2013Results of Meetingview
October 31, 2013Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 28, 2013Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 8, 2013Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
September 27, 2013Annual Report to shareholdersview
September 3, 2013Superkolong Vendor Payment & Retirement of Directorview
August 6, 2013Placement of Shares & Vendor Payment, Appendix 3B & 708Aview
July 31, 2013Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reportview
June 11, 2013New and Updated Websiteview
June 4, 2013Company Updateview
May 24, 2013Appendix 3Y – G Steemsonview
May 10, 2013Appendix 3Bview
May 10, 2013Change in substantial holding – P Thomasview
May 10, 2013Change in substantial holding – G Steemsonview
May 10, 2013Becoming a substantial holder – Bullantco Pty Ltdview
May 10, 2013Ceasing to be a substantial holder – G Sakalidisview
April 30, 2013Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reportview
April 16, 2013Change of Company Nameview
April 11, 2013Becoming a substantial holderview
April 11, 2013Becoming a substantial holderview
April 11, 2013Results of Meetingview
April 5, 2013Appendix 3B – Peter Thomasview
April 5, 2013Becoming a substantial holder – Greg Steemsonview
March 18, 2013Production Updateview
March 12, 2013Half Year Accountsview
March 8, 2013Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Formview
March 4, 2013Completion of South African Diamond Operation Acquisitionview
February 28, 2013Expiry of Optionsview
February 27, 2013Retraction of Diamond Operation Acquisition Announcementview
February 27, 2013Acquisition of Diamond Operation South Africa (re-submitted)view
February 20, 2013Appendix 3Bview
February 20, 2013Appendix 3Y x 4view
February 18, 2013Trading Haltview
February 13, 2013Notification of Shortfallview
January 29, 2013Becoming a substantial holderview
January 23, 2013Despatch of prospectusview
January 23, 2013Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reportview
January 18, 2013Sale of Small Share Parcelsview
January 15, 2013Letter to S/holders – Non-Renounceable Rights Issueview
January 10, 2013Prospectusview
January 10, 2013Appendix 3Bview
January 4, 2013Appendix 3Bview
January 4, 2013Appendix 3Y x 2view
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 19, 2012Appointment of Non-Executive Director and Company Secretaryview
December 19, 2012Details of Company Addressview
December 6, 2012Proposed Sale of Small Share Parcelsview
December 3, 2012Ceasing to be a substantial holderview
November 30, 2012Results of Meetingview
October 31, 2012Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 31, 2012Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 29, 2012Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 1, 2012Full Year Statutory Accountsview
July 31, 2012Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
July 31, 2012Quarterly Activities Reportview
May 28, 2012Change of Director`s Interest Noticeview
May 22, 2012Re-quotation of Securitiesview
May 22, 2012Reinstatement to Official Quotationview
May 22, 2012Reinstatement to Official Quotation – AMENDEDview
May 8, 2012Termination Sale Purchase Agreement for Hillgrove Projectview
May 8, 2012SRQ: Status of Hillgrove Saleview
May 2, 2012SRQ: Status of Hillgrove Saleview
May 2, 2012Status of the Sale and Purchase of the Hillgrove Projectview
April 30, 2012Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 30, 2012Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 17, 2012Offer Closing Date Extendedview
April 17, 2012Replacement Notice – Offer Closing Date Extendedview
April 10, 2012Change of Director`s Interest Noticeview
April 10, 2012Final Director`s Interest Noticeview
April 10, 2012Initial Director`s Interest Noticeview
April 4, 2012Suspension from Official Quotationview
April 4, 2012Results of Meetingview
April 3, 2012Disclosure Documentview
March 27, 2012Priority Particip, Contingent Entitlement Share Eligible Datview
March 27, 2012SRQ: Emu Nickel NL Priority Offer to Straits Shareholdersview
March 16, 2012Exposure Period Extendedview
March 15, 2012Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
March 6, 2012Amended Terms of Transactionview
March 6, 2012Reinstatement to Official Quotationview
March 6, 2012Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Formview
February 27, 2012Change of Director`s Interest Noticeview
February 23, 2012Extension of Voluntary Suspensionview
February 21, 2012Suspension from Official Quotationview
February 17, 2012Trading Haltview
February 17, 2012Request for Trading Haltview
February 8, 2012Right to Acquire Hillgrove Gold and Antimony Mineview
February 8, 2012Reinstatement to Official Quotationview
February 8, 2012SRQ: Hillgrove Saleview
February 6, 2012Suspension from Official Quotationview
February 6, 2012Request for Trading Haltview
February 6, 2012Replacement – Request for Suspensionview
February 1, 2012Trading Haltview
January 31, 2012Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
January 31, 2012Quarterly Activities Reportview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
November 30, 2011Results of Meetingview
October 31, 2011Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 31, 2011Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 31, 2011Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
September 30, 2011Annual Report to shareholdersview
July 29, 2011Quarterly Activities Reportview
July 29, 2011Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
June 27, 2011Appendix 3Bview
April 29, 2011Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 29, 2011Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
March 16, 2011Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
January 31, 2011Quarterly Activities Reportview
January 31, 2011Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
January 27, 2011High Grade Emu Lake Nickel Intersectionview
Date PublishedSubjectLink
December 24, 2010Securities Trading Policyview
November 24, 2010Results of Meetingview
October 29, 2010Quarterly Activities Reportview
October 29, 2010Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
October 22, 2010Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Formview
October 19, 2010Massive Sulphides Intersected at Woolgangieview
October 13, 2010Drilling Targets at Emu Lakeview
October 13, 2010Windy Knob Encouragementview
September 30, 2010Annual Report to shareholdersview
August 18, 2010Windy Knob VMS EM and Drilling in Progressview
July 30, 2010Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
July 30, 2010Quarterly Activities Reportview
July 1, 2010Change of Director`s Interest Noticeview
June 23, 2010Change of Director`s Interest Noticeview
June 16, 2010Change of Director`s Interest Noticeview
May 31, 2010Appendix 3Bview
May 28, 2010Significant Open Ended EM Conductor at Emu Lakeview
April 30, 2010Quarterly Activities Reportview
April 30, 2010Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
April 29, 2010Up to 823PPM Uranium in Calcrete at Barlee Southview
March 15, 2010Half Yearly Report and Accountsview
March 2, 2010Appendix 3Bview
February 12, 2010Restricted securities due for release from escrowview
February 11, 2010Change of Director`s Interest Noticeview
January 29, 2010Quarterly Activities Reportview
January 29, 2010Quarterly Cashflow Reportview
January 5, 2010Change of Director`s Interest Noticeview

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