Emu stalks Sunfire nickel-PGE targets

Emu stalks Sunfire nickel-PGE targets

Emu NL is stalking a gaggle of new targets at its Sunfire nickel-copper project near Bridgetown in WA. The project hosts a suite of mafic-ultramafic intrusions similar in nature to Chalice Mining’s heralded Julimar discovery. The Yornup Mill prospect already boasts an...
Emu strikes copper in WA

Emu strikes copper in WA

Emu NL’s Viper copper project in WA is already looking the goods with first pass sampling across the prospect throwing up visible copper. The company’s maiden auger drilling program has tested the main copper-bearing stratigraphy along more than 3 kilometres of strike...
EMU Notice of Annual General Meeting 6th April 2021

EMU Notice of Annual General Meeting 6th April 2021

Notice is hereby given that a general meeting (Meeting) of Emu NL (EMU or Company) will be held at 10 Walker Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia on 6 April 2021 at 5:00 pm (AWST). The Explanatory Statement to this Notice provides information on matters to be...