

Annual Reports

Issued Securities and Corporate Information

Code Number
Fully paid shares EMU 192,379,187
Partly paid shares, paid to $0.90, subject to call of $0.90 EMUCA 1,349,586
Partly paid shares, paid to $0.003, subject to call of $1.20 EMUAR 1,166,670
Performance Rights in relation to acquisition of Gnows Nest project (can be repurchased for $20k if Gnows Nest disposed of before 22.9.2025) EMUAQ 1,619,051
Options to acquire fully paid ordinary shares, exercisable at $0.10 each on or before 31.10.2026 33,550,000
Options to acquire fully paid ordinary shares, exercisable at $0.09 each on or before 31.12.2026 10,579,193

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